Picture courtesy of Communitywise. Hope they don't mind. |
1. Cumulative Impacts: Nicely Done, Department of Ecology
Yesterday, the Washington Department of Ecology sent a
letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, requesting an evaluation of the cumulative effects of proposals to build
west coast coal terminals. The letter
relates to a proposed terminal in Port Morrow, Oregon.
Port Morrow would be just a wee mite of a terminal, compared
to Gateway Pacific: a mere 8.8 million
tonne facility, or less than 1/5 the size of Gateway Pacific at buildout. But add a little coal port here, a bigger coal port
there and you have – a whole lot of environmental impacts. As Ecology notes in
its comments.
Here’s a link to the analysis that supported Ecology’s letter. I do like me a good legal analysis, and
Ecology provides a clear, succinct summary of relevant case law on cumulative
You’ll notice that there’s none of the foolishness that you’ve
heard from Gateway Pacific supporters, claiming that there’s no need to look at
impacts outside of the terminal site.
What Ecology is saying here is that, when
the environmental impact statement evaluates the impacts of transporting coal
to and away from the terminal, it should look at the impacts that will occur if
all of these terminal projects are approved.
All of the rail traffic. All of the air pollution. All of the greenhouse gas emissions. From all of the terminals.
Every terminal goes through an individual permit process, but
the environment doesn’t respond to permit processes. Environmental quality (or lack thereof)
results from all of the “disturbances” that we throw at it. “Disturbances,” a term used in the report,
means pollution. Changes. Anything above the status quo.
For those who just want to cut to the chase, the main points
There are permit applications
pending for three other coal export facilities in the Pacific Northwest. SSA
Marine has submitted an application for a coal export facility in Whatcom
County, Washington at Cherry Point, with annual export of 48 million tons at
full build-out. Millennium Bulk Logistics (a subsidiary of Ambre Energy, like
Coyote Island Terminals) has submitted an application for a coal export
facility in Longview, Washington with annual export capacity of 44 million tons
at full build-out. A dredging permit at Coos Bay, Oregon is currently under
appeal, with expectations that the dredging will accommodate a coal export
facility with approximate annual export capacity of 10 million tons. All of
these facilities would entail transport of coal by train from the Powder River
Basin to their Oregon and Washington locations, followed by shipment overseas
to Asian markets. There are also two other permit applications expected at
two separate sites at the Port of St. Helens, Oregon and Hoquiam, Washington.
. . . In the important cumulative impacts case of Kleppe
v. Sierra Club, 427 U.S. 390(1976), the Supreme Court stated: “[W]hen several
proposals for coal-related actions that will have cumulative or synergistic
environmental impact upon a region are pending concurrently before an agency,
their environmental consequences must be considered together.”. . .
[T]here will be eleven coal trains
traveling weekly to the Port of Morrow at full build-out. Ecology assumes that
the trains will be making round trips. Thus, it appears that this proposal
would result in 22 additional train trips to and from the proposed facility, or
slightly over 3 trips per day. We understand that the trains will travel on
BNSF tracks from the Powder River Basin, traveling through Spokane, and then
continuing southwest through Washington until crossing the border in the south
to Oregon.
The trains associated with at least
two of the other proposed facilities are expected to travel this same route in
Washington. Those proposals at full build-out could result in approximately
18 daily trips (Gateway) [hey, THAT’S US!] and 16 daily trips
(Millennium Bulk). Thus, a minimum of 37 coal trains might daily transit the
same route. The rail traffic from some of the other proposals may also
travel the same route, further adding to the potential for environmental
impacts of increased traffic.
. . .[R]ail capacity is constrained
along much of the BNSF route from Sandpoint to Oregon . . Spokane [is] a “choke point” in the rail
system. Rail capacity issues are an important challenge for this proposed
project, especially when considered cumulatively with the other proposals.
The increase in coal train traffic
also presents the potential for other environmental impacts of concern. For
example, coal dust is known to be emitted from uncovered coal cars during transit.
The length and number of trains could result in longer wait times at at-grade
crossings for emergency personnel and members of the traveling public.
Increased trains could result in noise impacts and increased air emissions,
including diesel particulate emissions. The potential for these and other types
of impacts have not gone unnoticed by communities located along this corridor.
Many are expressing strong concerns about the potential for significant
environmental impacts that could occur from the cumulative impacts of these
proposals. These communities’ concerns and these potential impacts should be
considered in an EIS for the proposal.
2. Speaking of “Rail Capacity Issues”. . .
Not so good for our little corner of the world: BNSF’s
potential approaches to increasing rail capacity are coming to light. In a new Crosscut article (
the link is here), Floyd McKay discusses the massive increase in rail capacity that would be
needed to accommodate the coal trains to Cherry Point. He notes:
BNSF told city officials last week
that three tracks might be needed through at least part of the waterfront. The
third track might be only a short siding, or it could be part of a plan to add
track capacity along a much longer segment.
The South Bellingham siding, WSDOT
documents reveal, would close several busy crossings and eliminate vehicular
access to the popular Boulevard Park and Taylor Dock. . .