
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Live Blogging the County Council

Allan Marriner from the City of Bellingham stated that the City won't provide water to Governor's Point and is submitting comments on that and some other issues.

Cathy Lehman, on behalf of Futurewise, provided the Council with a petition signed by more than 250 residents, supporting rural character and opposing sprawl.

I spoke, but I do that here all the time. More later.

Wendy Harris observed that the County is not basing its planning on good watershed science.

Sue Brown objected to the concept that all speculative development is subject to protection.

Chet Dow said that we have a high unemployment rate and the Rural Element's "balance" will be important to job creation.

I have to stop here to editorialize. Whatcom County currently allows HUGE amounts of development potential in rural areas. So that must be the CAUSE of our current high unemployment, right? We certainly don't have stringent, growth-restricting planning that we can blame!

Doug Fuller pays taxes for General Commercial zoned property. You can't take that away. The state bought a lot of it for General Commercial. It's a taking away. Some people want to keep other people out of here.

Kane Hall, a downtown property and business owner, is concerned that LAMIRDs will make it difficult for downtown to flourish.

OK, I'm doing this on an IPhone, so it's time for a break.


  1. So, I'm there at the "hearing" with an iPad, and Jean is live blogging with an iPhone. What a team we make -- she does all the hard work.

    After the meeting, one person came up and said how much they enjoy the blog -- a great place to get information. Then another person in a yellow shirt came up and said they see that I'm still up to no good. My reply: well, yes, thank you.

    More observations will be posted here shortly, plus detail talking points for the hearing coming up.

  2. Where were you? Have you spent so much time in that Council chamber that you camouflage into the upholstery?
